Homeschooling with the Opinionated Widow

I know that there is a lot of uncertainty about so many things right now. One of the biggest issues seems to be the closure of our schools at such a critical time in the school year. I’ve seen so many moms posting about how they don’t have the time to teach their kids, or some who even think they don’t have the ability. This is the moment when I tell you that you are probably overthinking it. Under normal instances a child is in school for around 7 hours per day, and it seems that parents think that that amount of time also has to be utilized at home. I am here to tell you that is completely untrue. The longest my children have ever sat still doing work is a couple hours, max.

The most important thing for us is to make sure that things are organized and that they can get to their work and supplies. I recently changed over to a new “system” to keep work organized and accessible and it seems to be working quite well.

The boys each have their own zip-up binder. In the front cover they have a sketch pad and inside one pouch they carry notebooks to write about things they want to learn about so that they don’t forget about it. There is a pencil pouch that holds pencils and a pen. Next there is a 1 subject notebook for them to use at their discretion, and following that there are five tabs labeled Monday-Friday. Behind each tab is a folder, and that is where their daily assignments go. At the back is a folder labeled letter crafts that we are doing while lucas learns his letters.

After they have completed their work for the day they put it into a hanging file folder.

People always ask what curriculum we use, and they always seem shocked when I tell them that we don’t have one. I actually use lessons off of multiple sights and services, as well as doing some stuff on my own to create lesson plans. For the most part, we basically unschool. So besides the formal stuff they have to learn, they are allowed to shift what they learn based on things that interest them.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not here to tell anyone to get over what’s happening, or to tell anyone to suck it up. I can only imagine getting thrust into this with no life line and no preparation, hasn’t been easy. I’m not here to tell you that it’s going to be a perfect situation, because it never is. Homeschooling is not a walk in the park, but far too many of you are overthinking it and I think that is because of the stress you are under. Just take some time and sit down with your kids and figure out what homeschooling will look like for your family. You CAN do this ❤